How do you order at our Shop ?
1. Sign in / register
Once you have sign in, you can complete your order by following the steps order process.
1. Basket
Choose the product you want to order and click the "add to basket" button.
You can overview your order under "display basket" and change your items anytime during the process.
If your done, please proceed with "check out"
2. Adresses
If you are a new customer you need to enter your Billing and Shipping Adress.
If you are a returning customer you have the option to reuse the adresses you used for earlier orders by selecting them from list.
3. Delivery
Shows the delivery method.
4. Payment method
Select how you want to pay for your order.
4. Check & Order
There will be a summary of your order, adress information and the payment method is displayed.
If everything is correct please check our terms and click "Buy now" to complete your order.